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23 Apr, 2015

How I Lost 700 of my Closest Friends

I have over 700 friends on Facebook, but I can count on two hands the number of people who truly invest in my life. These few friends are the ones that make it beyond the online veneer and into the messy, tangled, not-posted details of who I am. It’s in the weaknesses and imperfections of real life that friendship has a fighting chance...
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10 Apr, 2015

Q&A with documentarian Brian Ivie of The Drop Box

The Drop Box may have been released in theatres near you for just a few nights recently, and if so, you were sure to hear about the many tears it caused people to shed. This documentary set out to capture the heartbreaking story about newborns being abandoned, literally left to die, in Seoul, South Korea. Pastor Lee, a native to South Korea, felt God tugging at his heart to give his life in order to save the lives of as many of these children as he could. In order to do so, he installed a baby box in their church a few years ago. This was a place where parents could anonymously drop off their babies. This ministry has grown, been written about, and now Brian Ivie has captured this Gospel-love story in the form of a documentary...
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05 Apr, 2015

Our Resurrection Hope

As seen in Galatians, the resurrection of Jesus Christ established apostolic authority from men like Paul, ends the authority of the Law, sin, and the flesh over the life of believers, and ushers in a new creation as we await Jesus’ return...
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02 Apr, 2015

DIY: Hand-Painted Easter Eggs

Painting Easter eggs is a classic Easter tradition. Church history teaches that the egg is actually symbolic of Christ resurrecting from his tomb! Freshen up this tradition by painting your eggs with modern patterns and hand-lettered Easter messages...
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